
Hi !! I'm Graham or Coxon!!
I'm turning 13 on august 24th :3
I dont really want adults interacting with me!! Feel free to dm/add me so long as ur not in my dni or are 18+ !!

Before you interact...

I have a hard time with tone over text, tonetags are appreciated when talking to me!!

Dont interact..

Shtwt, Edtwt , If you vent without asking, Adults, Oasis>Blur truthers, Rude people, My brother Damon


Graham Coxon, Blur, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, Pulp, Gorillaz, My Friends, Hazza, Flo, Gee, Britpop/rock ^ _ ^


I love my parents (Dames and Flo) SOSOSO much if u ever say anything bad abt them ill find you grrrr....
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